current* and upcomıng languages

(Alphabetical Listing)

  • العربية (Arabic)
  • বাংলা (Bengali)
  • Bahasa Ind. (Indonesian)
  • български (Bulgarian)
  • 中文 (Chinese)
  • Dansk (Danish)
  • Deutsch (German) *
  • Ελληνικά (Greek)
  • English *
  • Español (Spanish) *
  • فارسی (Farsi)
  • Français (French) *
  • Հայերեն (Armenian)
  • हिंदी (Hindi)
  • Hrvatski (Croatian)
  • Italiano (Italian) *
  • 日本語 (Japanese)
  • 한국어 (Korean)
  • Malay (Malay)
  • Nederlands (Dutch)
  • Norsk (Norwegian)
  • Polski (Polish)
  • Português (Portuguese) *
  • Русский (Russian)
  • Suomi (Finnish)
  • Svenska (Swedish)
  • ไทย (Thai)
  • Türkçe (Turkish) *
  • Українська (Ukrainian)
  • العربية (Arabic)
  • বাংলা (Bengali)
  • Bahasa Ind. (Indonesian)
  • български (Bulgarian)
  • 中文 (Chinese)
  • Dansk (Danish)
  • Deutsch (German) *
  • Ελληνικά (Greek)
  • English *
  • Español (Spanish) *
  • فارسی (Farsi)
  • Français (French) *
  • Հայերեն (Armenian)
  • हिंदी (Hindi)
  • Hrvatski (Croatian)
  • Italiano (Italian) *
  • 日本語 (Japanese)
  • 한국어 (Korean)
  • Malay (Malay)
  • Nederlands (Dutch)
  • Norsk (Norwegian)
  • Polski (Polish)
  • Português (Portuguese) *
  • Русский (Russian)
  • Suomi (Finnish)
  • Svenska (Swedish)
  • ไทย (Thai)
  • Türkçe (Turkish) *
  • Українська (Ukrainian)

Language Bridge, Global Reach

Breaking Down Language Barriers for Global Success

At UniGlobal, we believe that language should never be a barrier to success. Currently, we offer consulting services in English and Turkish, ensuring that our clients feel understood and valued.

However, we envision a future where we can provide consulting services in every language. This commitment to expanding our multilingual capabilities reflects our dedication to opening doors to global markets and building meaningful relationships with clients worldwide.

By offering many languages on our website, we signal our intention to grow and reach every corner of the world, fostering strong connections and delivering impactful results across diverse markets.

Consulting Beyond Language Barriers

With rapid advances in automatic translation software, UniGlobal is preparing for a future where language barriers are a thing of the past.

While current tools have made real-time translation more accessible, they’re not yet perfect for complex professional scenarios that require deep contextual understanding and industry-specific language. However, in the coming years, advancements will allow us to offer consultancy services in any language, ensuring clear and precise communication worldwide.

This technology-driven approach will empower businesses globally to access UniGlobal’s expertise with confidence, knowing that language will no longer be an obstacle to their growth.

Contact us today to learn how we can help your business succeed on a global scale.

Empowering Global Growth with Translation Technology

Building Global Connections through Localized Expertise

At UniGlobal, we understand that effective consulting requires more than just language—it demands cultural insights and localized knowledge.

By expanding our network of experts and embracing language diversity, we are creating a bridge that connects businesses to new markets with deeper understanding and empathy.

This personalized approach ensures that every client, regardless of location, receives tailored advice and solutions that resonate with their local context.

Experience the power of culturally sensitive consulting with UniGlobal. Let us help you navigate unfamiliar markets and achieve your global business goals.

Bridging Cultures and Markets




Our Founding Partners:

Ankara University

 | Tömer

UniGlobal, a consulting brand of Bilkent Global Ltd. 

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